Fields of Green for All - A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform
Fields of Green for All - A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform

Fields of Green for All - A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform

R 300.00

If you are interested in the South African Cannabis industry and its future we recommend the Fields of Green For All Manifesto for Policy Reform. It is a well-researched, sustainable and inclusive plan to guide the legalisation of Cannabis in South Africa. 

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PART ONE: The day everything changed; Finding the right treatment; My history with cannabis; My first experience using cannabis oil; Increasing my dose; Implementing lifestyle changes; A friend in need; Spreading the word; Helping others to heal themselves;

PART TWO: Using cannabis; Working with cannabis; Extractions and infusions; Tinctures; Home remedies; Dosage guide; Bibliography and reference list; Index.

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